Saturday 30 January 2021

Imbolc 2021



Many many years ago I bought a little paperback booklet called The British Medicine Wheel – a map to wholeness, written by Susan Garlick.

This little book is jammed packed with information of the 8 festivals, (the Celtic Medicine Wheel) history and more.  It has been my companion for more years than I can remember.

It is this I often dip in and out of when working with the Wheel of the Year.

Did you know Imbolc has a few variations in name? It is also known as Candlemas and Imbole to name a couple and is the first fire festival of the year.

Here we once more we witness the turning of the wheel, as we move from the depths of winter into the first signs spring, the days slowly, slowly drawing out, snowdrops bravely waving their tiny heads above frozen or sodden soil. 

My garden is gradually returning to life, the daffy dillies are bravely poking their heads above the cold and wet winter soil, some of the shrubs and fruit trees are forming tiny buds, the promise of the crop to come, as we switch from time of the Crone (Kerridwen the goddess who oversees the winter months from Yule), to welcoming the maiden Brigid back with the returning of the sun, as she begins to don her cloak of greenery at Imbolc.

Imbolc actually means ‘ewe’s milk’ and comes as the first lambs and calves are born, so life is returning once more to the land.

It never ceases to amaze me how such beauty can come from such darkness, yet it makes sense if you stop to think about it. 

We are born from the darkness of our mothers wombs, and life is returning all around us from the darkness of Mother Earth’s womb too.  Imbolc brings with it the promise of new life in so many aspects of our world.

It is also a time of inspiration, aspiration, intention setting and joy.  The heavy drudge of winter is unhurriedly (I wish it would hurry!) fading away, and I personally look forward to the longer lighter days.

Take some time to celebrate Imbolc, lay your plans, hopes dreams and inspirations for the future.

Some years ago when my some was still at school, we all write down our hopes and dreams for the coming year. We took some time to think about what we wanted to achieve and to create, making space for thoughts to form, to feel what was right for each of us, and once we were done, we took them out across the fields as the light was fading and buried them in ground under the roots of an old oak tree. 

What will you do for you this Imbolc? 

I will continue my journey of walking the wheel of the year and the labyrinth with the anticipation of the insights to be gained once more.   

Wishing you a peaceful and inspirational Imbolc

With love and blessings



Thursday 30 April 2020

Beltain Dragon - Greetings

Beltane Greetings 

I have known for some time the dragons connect to the wheel of the year and the earth’s cycles in the form of equinoxes and solstices.  They have been nagging at me for some time to walk the wheel of the year of them.  This I have done loosely, but now we are at Beltane, they have become more insistent that I pay attention.  

From the outset of connecting with the dragon energy, I knew many were connected to our beautiful British Landscape.  The first one I became aware of is Divine Feminine from my stunningly designed Dragon Path Oracle Deck. 
This was around the time of mid summer a good few years ago now.  I originally dubbed her Solstice Dragon.  I was with friends on the top of Beacon Hill on the Hampshire Wiltshire border.  Beacon Hill is historically an Iron Age Fort, and incidentally is where the 5th Earl of Carnarvon is buried.  The Earl played quite a major part in the excavation of the Tomb of Tutankhamun during the 1920’s.  Highclere Castle which is the Carnarvon’s family home is close by and is the setting for popular TV series Downton Abbey.  
Becoming aware of the energy of Divine Feminine, was my first indication that the dragons had a link to the wheel of the year.  

Over the intervening years, I would often get a sense of dragons being around, hidden beneath the earth.  Most recently my husband and I were driving to Bath just before Christmas to help celebrate a friends big birthday, and winding our way through the rolling hills of Wiltshire, I was once more drawn to the energy of the land and the dragons beneath.  I did bring this to my husband’s attention – saying to him ‘there be dragons, under them there hills’ in a broad Wiltshire accent. He didn’t reply, except to give me ‘a look’  :) 

These dragons are kin to the Earth Walk Clan of the Dragon Path Oracle cards as are the dragons from the wheel of the year. 

This morning Beltane Dragon came forward, on May Eve, requesting my attention to connect with her and the essence of the Beltane Festival. 
After imparting her message below, she also insisted I take a walk and connect to the earth.  It is a walk I take regularly with Molly Dog, but this morning there was a real sense of energy, almost a sense of urgency to it as I walked through the tracks, flanked on once side by hedgerows against wide open fields and an old wood on the other.  I could feel the energy and the sap rising through the earth.  Everything was vibrant and washed to bright clean green, from the recent rains.

She represents the energy and essence of Beltane; the rising of the sap, the energy of the earth bursting forth giving life, offering the power of potential, as our world begins to explode into full technicolour once more.  This in turn implores us to plot our course and set our goals as the season surges forward with vibrancy and energy.   At Beltane, like Samhain there is a thinning of the veil, and here we have the opportunity to connect with the Fae folk, nature spirits and of course the dragon realms with ease. 
So Beltane Dragon requests we hold steadfast in our goals as we move through the ever turning cycle of the year, for we surly will be tested as that is the way of the world.   So here, we are reminded, (as only the dragon can) are our goals, our desires, our reaching for our dreams, what we truly desire for ourselves?  We are asked here, are they ours, or are we chasing someone else’s rainbows? Here the Beltane Dragon says ‘it is time to be true to you, as the year picks up a pace, rolling ever forward from spring into summer’. 

The natural world is picking up the pace also as it bursts into life; nature is at its busiest; the birds are nesting, bees are gathering nectar and the plants and trees leafing and blossoming and beginning to bloom. The natural world is speeding up to burst forth in all its glory, power and full potential. You too can do the same.
Here the Beltaine Dragon asks you to take your hold of your own power, to harness it, and draw on the grounded planted energy of the earth; feel the energy being drawn up through your feet, to guide and anchor you as you walk through coming weeks, taking your dreams and desires to full fruition.

As always with blessings and gratitude to share space with you 
Caroline x

Wednesday 11 December 2019

12:12 Vibrational Harmonics & the Full Moon

12:12 Doorway 

It's been a while since I did a Blog.  Life has been a tad busy! But this one was too important, to not make the time to write about. 

We are on the cusp of the final full moon of the year and the energies are building for tomorrow's 12:12 shift.  The dragon's have been nudging me about this one all week; it has the feeling of being the biggest shift we are yet to experience.  

The energy of this will be felt from the full moon on 12.12.2019  for a full three days. 

The last few years have all been about shake down, shifting into alignment.  I know from bitter sweet experience the more I fight the shift and change, the more the Universe pushes back at me, hard, trying to grab my attention, to take notice of my patterns, out of date patterns, of being and behaviour. 

The more we resist the more our unwanted experiences persist. 

Tomorrow's energy doorway invites us in, to align with our truth, light and shadow, and the full moon making it the perfect time to complete the old circle of unconscious being, and embrace our conscious awakened self.  Warts n all. 


If you think about harmonics, I bet you immediately think sound. I know I certainly did.  When the Joshua the Speaker (one of my dragon guides) told me the vibrational harmonics coming in on the full moon of the 12:12 doorway are more to do with light, rather than sound, I didn't get it. 

But it's not only a light frequency, i
t is Love on a Harmonic Vibration. Now, those of you who have heard me talk about dragons, know they have a resistance to the word love, due to its over and inappropriate use. But this isn't dragon, this is what is taking place for you now, energicetally.

The Doorway to Love

The full moon combined with the 12:12 energy is presenting you with the perfect opportunity to align with your full human potential, and spiritual growth.
The Vibrational Harmonic energy shift allows you to view what is going on, really going on within you and what it is you are projecting out into your own life.

It's an opportunity to accept, heal where needed, to embrace the change.

As you go through this particular shift, you are invited to invoke the Rainbow Dragon Clan to join and guide in meditation, as you to accept a deepening joy within your lives, to restore the inner and outer balance.
Begin to release the need for conflict and judgement and accept love and yourself at it is, at its purest vibrational form.

Here with the fullness of moon, you are presented with the opportunity to complete certain events within your lives, to finally close the door to move on, to make the transition from one conscious dimension to the other within your physical lives.

The Rainbow dragons will lead you into alignment and engagement with the purest essence of yourself and guide you into balance with your present self, without judgement.
Aligning the true self, with the present self, provides you the opportunity to embrace the Harmonic Vibrational Resonance being drawn down into the planet.

Allowing the 12:12 harmonic vibration to flow through you during meditation allows you to view your shadow side too, allowing you to reach your full potential at this time. This particular harmonic flows in on the love vibration and high frequency light (hence the rainbow dragons). You are asked to accept this vibrancy of light into the core of your being, into that essence and energy of who you truly deeply are. In doing so you also reveal the depth and gift of your shadow. This may take some work, and you may feel drawn to carry out some healing work which feels appropriate on old beliefs, trauma judgement or anger maybe. Paradoxically you may feel drawn to accept these experiences for what they were and are and represent. Accept them as experiences from which your and grow and learn.

There is now right or wrong way to integrate this high vibrational healing. The harmonics entering the planet, is the sound which dances to your personal frequency and will be perfectly attuned to you at this time.

I'd love to know your experiences 
with gratitude and blessings 
Caroline x 

Monday 31 December 2018


New Years Eve 2018


Soaking in bath a little while ago, nursing a sore jaw, from 5 plus hours of dental work over 2 days, it dawned on me.  I mean really DAWNED  on me how very lucky I am.

Much of  2018 and the far end of 2017 had it's challenges,  and here I am, by choice, unable to celebrate with friends and booze, or eat (other than soup and sloppy bread) or party 2019 in raucously due to self inflicted pain, swelling and antibiotics.

2018 saw a myriad of changes, of highs and lows and alot of firsts. Pushing of personal boundaries and continued personal development.  Being supported by amazing people,  some of whom are friends and others strangers.
I have stood beside and held friends and family as their life has crumpled,  changed irrevocably, moved, separated and more.  Watched my 95yr old father in law pass away, step and into tempory care role of his wife of  73yrs, and step away again with some support in place she will accept.

I've travelled alone overseas to visit friends,  filled a bucket list trip with other friends to Scotland, sold my first  500 decks of Dragon Path Oracle Cards across the globe, and ordered more.

What an incredibly blessed 2018.
But what to take forward into 2019 and what to 'chuck in fuck it bucket'?  

There are so many wonderful experiences, opportunities to grow from, even the downright painful.

Maybe the biggest one is I'm not a pack animal. I love my friends and family, am loyal to a fault, yet I don't conform, I never have.

I do things my way. Possibly  not via the most direct route, but its my route. 
2018 saw me worrying about not being a part of a clique or group, comparing myself and judging myself, harshly against others. Their
work, knowledge, ability... the list is endless. To this end, one point of 2018 neatly saw me throwing the towel in, the fear had become too intense, too overwhelming.
A 'chance' conversation, support and practical advice saw me shift and  understand me from a place of  care and compassion.

The biggest was to trust me, trust my judgment, secure my boundaries and most importantly know my worth.  And that has nothing to do with finances, but more  about valuing me, my time, my work and my loved ones.

What are you taking into 2019?  What requires chucking in the 2018 fuck it bucket?  And how are you going to be kinder to you? 
I'd love to hear thoughts, successes and ideas

Much love as always
Caroline xx

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Fear Vs Success ~ How to Conquer it

This morning I saw a post on Facebook from a lady on a business networking group I'm on. Someone close to her laughed at her business idea and the fact she wanted to make a living from it, and make some dosh along the way.

As ever the timing of these things are perfect.  I, too have been having  wobble (again - yawn) about my work; wondering what the hell am I doing yadda, yadda yadda...

Any hooow, this got me thinking, and feeling into Success & Fear.  A good friend of mine calls me a Manifesting Magnet, so it stands to reason I can manifest anything I want.
The only difference is my mind set and (or) how I feel about something.  Negative feelings and conversations, in my head result in negative outcomes.  Because I manifested them, and bought into them!

So if I can manifest negatively, I can manifest positively. Yes? 
So can you!

So, what do you do, if someone pours cold water on your dream? This baby you having secretly been nurturing for months or sometimes years?

Firstly, you step back from it, and see it for what it really is.  Their fears, their doubts, their insecurities.  These reactions are usually an inbuilt (or learnt) response, which they are totally unaware of. And the biggest one, is their fear.

Of course your baby idea is fragile, therefore your ego takes a bit of kicking. You begin to doubt your ability and question the validity of your project and your judgment. 
What is interesting here, is that we believe these people, these doubters who have scorned our idea.

Because somebody has voiced an opinion, which is the polar opposite to what we want to achieve for ourselves, be believe them, and buy into their fear; own it, as our own.  These feelings are accompanied with justifying thoughts, 'I hadn't thought of that', 'they could be right' and so on. 
This situation is doubly compounded, if the comments come from someone we respect or love.

OK; so that's the negative, but how do you deal with it, and not let it affect you, cos once that seed of doubt is planted in our brain, it has this knack of taking us back to revisit it all the time.

First things first. Acknowledge it is there. This Fear, this crippling, paralysing Doubt.
Feel it, sit with it. I often write when I am struggling with something. By getting onto paper, it takes it out of my head, and I am able to give voice to the internal dialogue, arguments and conversations which swirl around in there. I call it Mind Dumping.

Second point.  Don't try to convince them you are right, and they are wrong, it will only fan the flames of fear.

Once you have Mind Dumped, if your fears are still sitting there waving at you, feel into them. Explore them.  Not your thoughts, but with the feelings and sensations in your body. Usually they are felt in the heart, or stomach area. Try not to judge these feelings or yourself. Just become aware of them.  You mind will also try and avoid the feelings, side step them, get up, make a cuppa. All kinds of avoidance mechanisms will surface. Anything to stop you feeling these feelings. Its normal behaviour. Our brain/ego takes over, trying to get us to avoid such sensations. Its job is to keep us safe, not put us in the firing line!
Neck and shoulder tension is another place it can sit. Usually because we have been trying to shield and fight off the negative thoughts and feelings, thus causing added tension.

By now, sitting with these negative feelings, they should have began to dissolve a bit.  It make take a few attempts, to allow yourself to sink into this feeling of fear and doubt.  To allow it to reside quietly whilst you observe and simply watch it, being aware of its presence, letting dissolve away quietly.
Ideas may surface from this practice too.

And finally, we come to manifesting your dream into reality.
If we can feel fear so acutely, then we are able to feel and experience joy and excitement just as vividly around our baby ideas.

So sit with a feeling of excitement, of pure unleashed joy in following that dream in your heart.  Feel your heart lift as you think about following that passion. Sense that deep inner smile surface as your excitement brushes past it. Feel it, own it, allow the warmth that's flows from it, to surround you.

Can't feel it?  Then imagine how it would feel to have that success, that freedom, those clients, that contract signed. Allow the excitement to rise, the smile to surface. feel it, own it, let it settle.  Above all else. Remember This Feeling!

Hold it, and allow it to warm the cockles of your heart :)

Tuesday 4 July 2017

You Have the Answer ~ Go Within

A great deal of my writing is inspired, channelled or some may say automatic writing. I don't suppose it really matters which label you apply the outcome is the same. 

Its been a while since I last wrote, and last week I found myself with a spare hour or two, so took my note pad and sat under the damson tree to have a little respite and reconnect.  I struggled, as life has been rather hectic, my mind constantly was shooting in a hundred different directions simultaneously.  This got me perusing our struggle to meditate, balance our daily lives, outside demands and stimuli, stay on track and be focused.  

Blimey what a juggling act! 

What follows is the connection I did make, I feel to my Higher Self ( I didn't have a sense of a Guide being with me). I hope you find to useful and maybe a little bit uplifting.

I have typed it up exactly as it came to me, not adjusted it is any way. I feel it is raw and honest but also helpful.  

All answers lay within us. That which you seek resides in that place of 'inner knowing'; that gut feeling.

That sense of belonging too, resides within us. We don't need to be identified by our position at work, in society, family group, car, home or bank balance. We don't need to be a part of that select group, club or clique to have our identity. Nor do we require their approval. The only person who needs to approve of you, is you.

That which you seek and needing to belong are both external factors and stimuli. That needing better, bigger, richer; when I have these things, when I am accepted by my peers, my colleagues, that club, then I will be me. I will be happy, I will be successful.

Why can't you, me we,  just be?

Millions of people around the world take up Yoga, Tai Chi or Meditation. Why?
Many more people talk about inner peace, peace of mind, yet spend years, life times in fact, chasing the next job, fad diet, car, or group to belong to. Why? Because they hope it will bring them a sense of peace, the holy grail, identity, or a sense of accomplishment. Yet in fact, the polar opposite is true.

The more you have, the more you fear. Fear losing it, fear ridicule, failure, jealousy from others and more, yet if we went within, we would be so much richer.

We would find the solutions to that issue which so vexes us. We would no longer require approval of others, we wouldn't strive or desire the car, the clothes, the holidays, that job that all currently define us.

And Yoga, Tai Chi or Meditation, where to they fit in? They are all ancient forms of 'Going Within'

With love and blessings
Caroline xx

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dragons - The Magical Being's

Dragons - A brief Intro !

Sep 5, 2016
The Dragons have been itching to get a look in on my blogs for a while.  I have put off doing so, as putting pen to paper (or more accurately, type set to computer screen) is a bit of a tricky one where these magnificent beings are concerned.

When I first started talking about Dragons around  8 or so years ago, I really expected my friends, colleagues and peers to think me barking mad. In fact the opposite was the reality and so the Dragons &  I put on a one day workshop, which blew us all away.

I lived, slept and breathed Dragons for about 2 years or more, then hit a brick wall energetically & emotionally.  Everything I had been working on was put on the back burner, I needed to rest and totally re-evaluate my life. Now here we are a few years later, the Dragons are still waiting, still patient, and still wanting to play with us at these monumental times of change upon our planet.

The Dragons themselves are etheric beings and work in much the same way as the Angelic Realms. If you think of AA Michael and times it by about 100 you'll get the picture of the essence and power of these beautiful creatures. I think of the Dragons as being a bit like the Angels but with your Dads size 12 nob nail boots on! They mean business !

The Arch Angels are a beautiful energy to work with, sometimes subtle, (and sometimes not!), stepping back and allowing us to choose our own path. They will gently guide us, and occasionally shove us, in the direction we should be going.

Yet when you invoke the Dragon energy they come sweeping and whooshing into your life at the speed of light, and nothing is quite the same ever again. I don't mean this as a negative, they just have this tendency to turn life around and upside a bit ! For as much as they love to play - think of a puppy or kitten - chasing a ball of string or its tail, and how they find beauty and magic in everything around them, the dragons carry an element of that innocence and purity of fun.  But paradoxically they have a job to do, a serious job to do, and that is to guide us through the incredibly tumultuous times we find ourselves in. I'm not going to go into the politics and the conflicts are that are taking place across our globe here, now, but if we want a future different to our past, its time to call the Dragons in.

They want to work with us, with the Arch Angels and other Ascended Masters to guide us, to empower us, to encourage us to change. We are our future, they are our Guides

They are Magical Beings...