Wednesday 11 December 2019

12:12 Vibrational Harmonics & the Full Moon

12:12 Doorway 

It's been a while since I did a Blog.  Life has been a tad busy! But this one was too important, to not make the time to write about. 

We are on the cusp of the final full moon of the year and the energies are building for tomorrow's 12:12 shift.  The dragon's have been nudging me about this one all week; it has the feeling of being the biggest shift we are yet to experience.  

The energy of this will be felt from the full moon on 12.12.2019  for a full three days. 

The last few years have all been about shake down, shifting into alignment.  I know from bitter sweet experience the more I fight the shift and change, the more the Universe pushes back at me, hard, trying to grab my attention, to take notice of my patterns, out of date patterns, of being and behaviour. 

The more we resist the more our unwanted experiences persist. 

Tomorrow's energy doorway invites us in, to align with our truth, light and shadow, and the full moon making it the perfect time to complete the old circle of unconscious being, and embrace our conscious awakened self.  Warts n all. 


If you think about harmonics, I bet you immediately think sound. I know I certainly did.  When the Joshua the Speaker (one of my dragon guides) told me the vibrational harmonics coming in on the full moon of the 12:12 doorway are more to do with light, rather than sound, I didn't get it. 

But it's not only a light frequency, i
t is Love on a Harmonic Vibration. Now, those of you who have heard me talk about dragons, know they have a resistance to the word love, due to its over and inappropriate use. But this isn't dragon, this is what is taking place for you now, energicetally.

The Doorway to Love

The full moon combined with the 12:12 energy is presenting you with the perfect opportunity to align with your full human potential, and spiritual growth.
The Vibrational Harmonic energy shift allows you to view what is going on, really going on within you and what it is you are projecting out into your own life.

It's an opportunity to accept, heal where needed, to embrace the change.

As you go through this particular shift, you are invited to invoke the Rainbow Dragon Clan to join and guide in meditation, as you to accept a deepening joy within your lives, to restore the inner and outer balance.
Begin to release the need for conflict and judgement and accept love and yourself at it is, at its purest vibrational form.

Here with the fullness of moon, you are presented with the opportunity to complete certain events within your lives, to finally close the door to move on, to make the transition from one conscious dimension to the other within your physical lives.

The Rainbow dragons will lead you into alignment and engagement with the purest essence of yourself and guide you into balance with your present self, without judgement.
Aligning the true self, with the present self, provides you the opportunity to embrace the Harmonic Vibrational Resonance being drawn down into the planet.

Allowing the 12:12 harmonic vibration to flow through you during meditation allows you to view your shadow side too, allowing you to reach your full potential at this time. This particular harmonic flows in on the love vibration and high frequency light (hence the rainbow dragons). You are asked to accept this vibrancy of light into the core of your being, into that essence and energy of who you truly deeply are. In doing so you also reveal the depth and gift of your shadow. This may take some work, and you may feel drawn to carry out some healing work which feels appropriate on old beliefs, trauma judgement or anger maybe. Paradoxically you may feel drawn to accept these experiences for what they were and are and represent. Accept them as experiences from which your and grow and learn.

There is now right or wrong way to integrate this high vibrational healing. The harmonics entering the planet, is the sound which dances to your personal frequency and will be perfectly attuned to you at this time.

I'd love to know your experiences 
with gratitude and blessings 
Caroline x 

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