Thursday 30 April 2020

Beltain Dragon - Greetings

Beltane Greetings 

I have known for some time the dragons connect to the wheel of the year and the earth’s cycles in the form of equinoxes and solstices.  They have been nagging at me for some time to walk the wheel of the year of them.  This I have done loosely, but now we are at Beltane, they have become more insistent that I pay attention.  

From the outset of connecting with the dragon energy, I knew many were connected to our beautiful British Landscape.  The first one I became aware of is Divine Feminine from my stunningly designed Dragon Path Oracle Deck. 
This was around the time of mid summer a good few years ago now.  I originally dubbed her Solstice Dragon.  I was with friends on the top of Beacon Hill on the Hampshire Wiltshire border.  Beacon Hill is historically an Iron Age Fort, and incidentally is where the 5th Earl of Carnarvon is buried.  The Earl played quite a major part in the excavation of the Tomb of Tutankhamun during the 1920’s.  Highclere Castle which is the Carnarvon’s family home is close by and is the setting for popular TV series Downton Abbey.  
Becoming aware of the energy of Divine Feminine, was my first indication that the dragons had a link to the wheel of the year.  

Over the intervening years, I would often get a sense of dragons being around, hidden beneath the earth.  Most recently my husband and I were driving to Bath just before Christmas to help celebrate a friends big birthday, and winding our way through the rolling hills of Wiltshire, I was once more drawn to the energy of the land and the dragons beneath.  I did bring this to my husband’s attention – saying to him ‘there be dragons, under them there hills’ in a broad Wiltshire accent. He didn’t reply, except to give me ‘a look’  :) 

These dragons are kin to the Earth Walk Clan of the Dragon Path Oracle cards as are the dragons from the wheel of the year. 

This morning Beltane Dragon came forward, on May Eve, requesting my attention to connect with her and the essence of the Beltane Festival. 
After imparting her message below, she also insisted I take a walk and connect to the earth.  It is a walk I take regularly with Molly Dog, but this morning there was a real sense of energy, almost a sense of urgency to it as I walked through the tracks, flanked on once side by hedgerows against wide open fields and an old wood on the other.  I could feel the energy and the sap rising through the earth.  Everything was vibrant and washed to bright clean green, from the recent rains.

She represents the energy and essence of Beltane; the rising of the sap, the energy of the earth bursting forth giving life, offering the power of potential, as our world begins to explode into full technicolour once more.  This in turn implores us to plot our course and set our goals as the season surges forward with vibrancy and energy.   At Beltane, like Samhain there is a thinning of the veil, and here we have the opportunity to connect with the Fae folk, nature spirits and of course the dragon realms with ease. 
So Beltane Dragon requests we hold steadfast in our goals as we move through the ever turning cycle of the year, for we surly will be tested as that is the way of the world.   So here, we are reminded, (as only the dragon can) are our goals, our desires, our reaching for our dreams, what we truly desire for ourselves?  We are asked here, are they ours, or are we chasing someone else’s rainbows? Here the Beltane Dragon says ‘it is time to be true to you, as the year picks up a pace, rolling ever forward from spring into summer’. 

The natural world is picking up the pace also as it bursts into life; nature is at its busiest; the birds are nesting, bees are gathering nectar and the plants and trees leafing and blossoming and beginning to bloom. The natural world is speeding up to burst forth in all its glory, power and full potential. You too can do the same.
Here the Beltaine Dragon asks you to take your hold of your own power, to harness it, and draw on the grounded planted energy of the earth; feel the energy being drawn up through your feet, to guide and anchor you as you walk through coming weeks, taking your dreams and desires to full fruition.

As always with blessings and gratitude to share space with you 
Caroline x


  1. Thank you so very much. I have always loved my birthday and you make it even more special by adding dragons for me. Lee

    1. Happy birthday Lee, I hope you have a beautiful day - I am holding a Beltane Dragon meditation this evening if you would like to join me. The details are on my facebook page

  2. Yes I feel the grounding a great deal, very important powerful times.
